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Flinthills USD 492

USD 492 District Offices


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Please follow the link below for the USD 492 Safe Return to School District Plan regarding COVID 19.

USD 492 Return to School District Plan 2021-2022

The additional link below is the revised USD 492 District COVID Protocols as of 1/20/22.

USD 492 COVID Response Plan




Free COVID testing is still available at the primary, intermediate, middle, and high schools. The at-home testing kit can be picked up at the school nurse’s office or the nurse can do the testing for you. 

The school also has available a COVID-Flu A & B test, and a Strep test. These will be done by the nurse.

The Epi-pen is available for the student and staff, in an emergency, to prevent anaphylactic shock due to an allergic reaction.

We also have Narcan available if someone

 is suspected of having an overdose reaction to an opioid. 

Antichoking devices are also available in the lunchrooms, should someone be observed to be choking.

An AED machine is available to anyone suspected of having a heart attack.