USD 492 Employment Opportunities

USD 492 Job Postings
Flinthills School District accepts applications for kitchen helpers, custodians, and bus drivers. Please complete the application below and deliver it to the board office or email it to Email Stephanie Girty
USD 492 Job Application - Electronic Form
USD 492 Job Application - Paper Form
Negotiated Agreement and Salary Schedule
Admin & Teaching Positions Open for the 24-25 School Year
Flinthills USD 492 Principal (6-12)
Employer Information
Flinthills USD 492 is a small rural school district with close access to Wichita and Interstate 35. Flinthills has high academic standards, many opportunities to participate in sports and activities, and a very supportive community. Flinthills USD 492 includes schools in the communities of Rosalia and Cassoday. Located east of El Dorado in eastern Butler County, the school is a progressive 1A school district with an enrollment average of 260 students. The district has a K-2 building in Cassoday, while grades 3-12 attend school in facilities located in Rosalia.
All district facilities were renovated in 2002 due to a bond issue. The technology used in the community includes a 1:1 laptop initiative for grades 6-12 and a 1:1 iPad initiative for PreK-5.
Extracurricular activities include a complete offering of sports, including football, volleyball, wrestling, basketball, baseball, softball, and track. Non-athletic activities include cheerleading, drama, forensics, scholars bowl, band, vocal, and FFA.
The district sets exceptionally high standards for its students and has programs to help ALL students succeed.
The district pays for a single health insurance policy. Options exist for contributions towards a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). The District also offers a retirement match benefit.
Interested applicants should submit 1) a Letter of Inquiry, 2) a Resume, 3) an Application, and 4) 3 Letters of Recommendation with contact information to Stephanie Girty, USD 492 - Flinthills, 806 SE Rosalia Rd, Rosalia, KS 67132 OR email to Email Stephanie Girty
Certified Performance Responsibilities
Plan a program of study that follows district guidelines and, as much as possible, meets all students' individual needs, interests, and abilities.
Creates a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of students.
Guides the learning process toward the mastery of curriculum goals and establishes clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects communicated to students.
Employs instructional methods and materials most appropriate for meeting the district`s published objectives.
Assess students' accomplishments regularly and provide progress reports as required by policy and as requested by the administration.
Directly supervises all students to which they are assigned. Supervises students in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities they are employed or assigned to sponsor. Assumes supervision responsibilities as directed by the principal.
Assists in referring students with learning difficulties, seeking assistance from district specialists as required.
Counsel colleagues, students, and parents regularly and as requested by the administration.
Assists the administration in implementing all policies and rules governing students` life and conduct. For the classroom, develops reasonable rules of classroom behavior and procedure; maintains order fairly and justly.
Observe all policies, rules, and regulations of the board as stated in the policy handbook, faculty handbooks, and student handbooks.
Observe established duty hours of the school day.
Plans and supervises purposeful assignments for teacher aide(s) and/or volunteers(s) and evaluates their job performance.
Maintains and strives to improve professional performance and competence.
Attends staff meetings and serves on staff committees as required.
Follow the appropriate procedures for ordering supplies and materials and expanding from activity accounts.
Facilitate cooperation between all persons in the school community.
Adhere to all district health and safety policies.
Support the mission of the school district.
Other duties assigned by the administration.
For more information on any employment opportunities with USD 492,
please visit Kansas Teaching Jobs Online.